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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Ihre Bestellung wurde versandt.

Just received an email from the firm saying that they have send the shoes and that they should arrive soon.

"Ihre Bestellung (2011/11/05/16219) wurde heute versandt und sollte in Kürze bei Ihnen eintreffen."
Coming soon! Stay tuned.

Just ran my classical Wednesday ~15k in 1h05. Feeling good, the weather is beginning to get cold here in Germany. Time to get the gloves out. No knee cap feelings today. May be it is linked to the temperature, I wore long legs today. Just mentioning that because not everything has to be linked to the shoes.


  1. 15k? really? I thought it's a bit less... but 1h05 is pretty good, especially since you did nearly 1h08 last week.

  2. Dear GreenVirus, thanks for your comment. For the distance, I rely on the official measurement by the expert in our group. It is correct that it is probably below 15k.
