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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Sunday 20 November 2011

I love it! + first hill (D+10)

I just love it! Running barefoot is so great! Despite the pain waking up last night, my feet felt perfectly fine today. I knew I shouldn't but I guess a lot of runners out there would understand. So I couldn't resist and went for a new run. I felt so good that I slightly increased the time and distance, went for 5-6 km in 25 minutes, including my first hills. And I JUST LOVE IT. It is difficult to describe, but running just seems easier, just seems to be free of going anywhere, doing whatever, apparently with less effort. I still feel close to the ground, but don't pay much attention to the irregularities on the ground. I went on concrete, so it is easier. I just love this sensation. I thought I should let my feet rest after the pain yesterday, but couldn't and went for another one. I wanted to keep it low, max. 15 minutes, but I felt so good, that I went for 10 more minutes and had to force myself to stop. I also went for my first hill, just to see. At some point, at the beginning of attacking the downhill part, I slapped my feet flat on the ground and felt that I should try to avoid to do that again, but that was all. Apart from that, nothing noticeable at all. It all went fine. After 10 days, I am up to 25 minutes, at a satisfying speed. It looks like I am well on schedule to do a half-marathon in slightly more than five months. Let's see how my feet react to this longer run. Stay posted. Cheers.


  1. So how did the feet react and did you do any more runs in the meantime??

  2. Feet are fine, thanks Anonymous. But interestingly, the Monday night, I couldn't sleep because my feet were itching. Like a growing adolescent, you know? Interesting.
    Didn't run yet, cause I was out of town, but walked around in the city with Five Fingers, and will go again today.
    Thanks for your interest.
