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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Thursday 22 December 2011

First time one hour (M+1)

That is it, I have past a first milestone today, I have run more than one hour barefoot. It is the first time that my barefoot running (green bars in graphs) is longer than my shoed one (blue bars). Mainly on concrete, with a bit on dirt path, it also included ~25 minutes on the running tracks. It was definitively nice on the tracks. I started slowly, at a pace of 4'23/km, speeding it up to 4'00 and finishing at a pace of 3'43, then a recovery km at 4'56. That is also the nice bit on running on track, is that you can really pace yourself accurately. I was barefoot and it had snowed two days ago in town, so there was still some small puddles of really cold water on the tracks. Well, surprisingly, it felt really good to step barefoot on the cold water. It was very refreshing. Normally with shoes, you always try to avoid the water, barefoot, it fells really good, it cools your feet down, very nice.

Anyway, I think I have passed an important first mark today, running more than one hour barefoot. Now, I will increase the time spend barefoot and decrease the time with shoes. I will still keep the Wednesday shod because that is when we go out for the big tour with colleagues. But that should be the only thing I do with shoes.
After a bit more than a month, exactly 42 days to be precise, I have passed the first cap, one hour barefoot, without major pain. It has been a relatively smooth process so far. On schedule for the half in four months. Now I have to increase the speed and the frequency. See you soon.

Monday 19 December 2011

Barefoot on snow, not good (M+1)

That's it, first snowfalls in my German town. That might delay a bit my training. I just went out there, just to see what happens.
I did it! Honestly, it is crazy, don't even try it. I went out barefoot on the snow. After 3 minutes, my toes were frozen and I had to come back. It feels really good on the toes when you stop. Don't even try it barefoot.
I guess the snow will now delay a bit my schedule but that's OK, I knew this would happen. I still have four months to be ready for the half-marathon. 

Went with shoes for 40 minutes the day after, all fine, I will try to go barefoot tomorrow, not much snow left in the city, should be OK.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Saturday wet and cold (M+1)

Longer run today, went out barefoot for 40 minutes. It felt good and I slowly increased the pace for the second half. I wanted to keep going, it felt good in the legs, but I had to pick up my daughter and couldn't run more. Another family constraint. Anyway, just to tell you, that I am doing fine, well on schedule and ready to go for more. As you can see in the graph, I am around 2/3rd of my normal shod distance and time, and really looking for more. Next goal, one hour barefoot. I don't see why this should be a problem.
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Thursday 15 December 2011

Another day, another barefoot run (M+1)

Couldn't resist and went for another 33 minutes of barefoot running around here, normal pace. Mainly on concrete but with some small passes through the woods and on rocks, mainly small pointy ones. Everything all right, mainly wanted to prepare for this weekend's longer one.
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Wednesday 14 December 2011

Pretty slippery Wednesday run (M+1)

I went for 15 minutes barefoot on concrete before the classical Wednesday run. Slow pace, 3 km. It felt good. I then switched to the shoes and went for the 15 km. It was raining and pretty slippery. I was very tired for the last couple of km. Probably because of the barefoot before. I also felt very hungry. All good, I will try to go for a longer, 45 minutes, barefoot run during the weekend.
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Tuesday 13 December 2011

Classic monday run (beginning M+1)

Just went for another long run with shoes. Not much to say. Ran our usual Monday course in a normal time, just below 13 km in 60 minutes. I went for a couple of minutes, before with the five-fingers (5Fs)  just to keep the momentum. The fact that I am able to run the normal course in an usual time just goes to show that there is no problem with doing both, that running barefoot does not impede one from running with shoes.
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Sunday 11 December 2011

Getting serious (M+1)

It is now a month since I received the barefoot five-fingers. I thought it was about time to get serious, do something more than a short warm up, followed by 10-15 minutes. It was time for a longer run. I went out five-fingered on concrete for 35 minutes. It felt incredible, really good. However, I now realized that I am getting blisters just at the edge of the feet, at the beginning of the toes. Really small and tiny blisters, one in each foot, but blisters. I opened them up, dried them and it is fine now. However, the feet felt weird for a couple of hours. No pain but just like when a wound is curing. Some itchy feelings, some sensations that you cannot really define or associate to a particular area. May be it is just my feet growing. I realized that I probably don't use them five-fingers enough. Using them principally over the weekend only is unlikely to be sufficient. I should probably wear them more and walk around. However, with my job, that consist mainly of sitting down all day, there is not much else I can do. I will have to satisfy with this. Surely I would be best to wear them more, not only for running, but just walking too, just for the feet to get used to.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Back to long shoed run (D+27)

I eventually went back to a long run after two weeks of limited runs because of heavy travelling. I went to our classical 15K track in a somehow slightly slower but still satisfying time of 68 minutes. It might seem slow, but it is actually hilly, very hilly. It felt good too. Absolutely no signs of problems below the feet. Looks like I am back to normal. The weather was fine, no rain, good temperature, cold but not too much. Felt good, will be back to barefoot on concrete this weekend. I will try to go for a longer one this time. Stay tuned!
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Tuesday 6 December 2011

After a few Belgian Beers (D+26)

And I am back. Sorry, I have been traveling for a few days again, guess where from the title. So I started having some pain last Tuesday. It slowly disappeared during the week, but I still had some feeling on friday. I went shortly around in barefoot while abroad but nothing worth appearing in the graph.

Back for another slightly shorter run today. The front sole of my right feet was still slightly inflamed. I thought it was ok walking with shoes, but as soon as I stepped with the fivefingers, i could feel that it was still slightly swollen. Nothing at all, I could still perfectly run, but I felt it. So I will not score it on the pain factor in the graph, it barely deserved a 1, may be a 0.5. It feels actually quite good now that it is still warm from the running. Despite this slight discomfort, I really like the barefoot sensation. I can't wait to go for longer runs. It feels good, I like it.
Back tomorrow for another shoed run, I realize that with all the traveling, I haven't had a serious run in more than two weeks. How could this have happened?
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