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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Monday 30 January 2012

Barefoot uber alles! (M+3)

It has been 10 days since my last barefoot run. I went back out there today. It felt really good. Calf pain is just gone now. I took it easy anyway, 8-9 km in 49'. While writing, I am listening to a band that I just discovered recently. It is called Justin(e) and I strongly recommend it to you. You could also load it on your mp3 player to enjoy it while running. Here is the fed for the first song. However, avoid it if you don't like punk rock.
But listen to the rest of the album and the others, available on the page of the group.

On the other side, looking at my graph recently, I realized that there is plenty of red (pain) below the graph. Roughly half of it has some red. I have to insist that I just write everything for the sake of completeness. The real important pain (that reached a score of -3 in the graph) was the calf torn. The rest were not so important. But most of all, I am still able to run my usual shod runs in between the barefoot ones.
So, back to normal, no pain, calves are feeling good.
However, now that I feel about it, I can clearly feel that the sole of my feet has been smashed for almost 50 minutes and I can feel it. It is not a pain, more like a ache, but I can clearly distinguish something there. May be that indicates that I have been doing it too much too soon previously and I shouldn't. So I will try to keep it around 45' for the next couple of weeks and see how that improves.

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