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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Monday 16 January 2012

I hurt myself today (M+2)

Don't know what happened yesterday, but I did hurt myself. After 20', just reaching the tracks and getting ready for my first km at a sustained speed, I began to develop big pain in my right calf. Now, this is the one that I broke couple of years ago. I actually broke it completely, and twice in 4 days interval (the doctor was very happy). Now yesterday, just when I was starting to increase the speed on the tracks, big pain. I couldn't run fast. I did a couple of turns more around the field just to be sure, but had to turn around and go back home. Probably a bit more than a big cramp, but not a strain yet, I think. I gave it a score of 4 on the pain graph. I guess that barefoot running is putting more demands on the calf muscles and as such, I might need to be more careful. After all, it is only two months since I started barefoot and my body is probably still adapting to it. I managed to put in 48 minutes in total but at an easy pace. I was not limping, which I interpret as still being ok. Let's see if I am OK for our classical Wednesday shod run.

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