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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Start running barefoot?

I was recently asked by a friend if I would advice him to start running barefoot, meaning for someone that has (almost) no running experience and that wants to start running, "would it be better, or worst, to start 5F's?" I didn't really know what to answer, but now that I have given it some thought, I would say 'yes'. If you wanna start running, and are considering, are interested by the barefoot feeling, yes, get started 5F's.
You anyway have to start slowly and take it easy, taking short runs to get your legs used to it, build a constitution. Why not then start directly barefoot? Instead of getting into the habit and then having to go back to short and slow once you switch to barefoot, to get you feet used once you get your legs up and running. No! I would say that it is probably best to start with the barefoot and get both your legs and feet into the running at the same time. If you have to build muscles, ligaments, and a condition to run, you might as well develop your feet and free them from the closed space of your shoes. You will realize how atrophied are your feet and how good it feel to be directly in contact with the ground. Of course, I would only say that if you are seriously interested into running and into running barefoot. Because it would be too easy to blame your laziness in the fact that your feet hurts, are not used to, and it is too difficult. If you know that you will be looking for excuses then better get some good shoes that will get rid at least of that excuse. Obviously, I would strongly suggest at least 7 mm sole shoe, see this post
But if you are seriously motivated to get started running, I would strongly advice to start barefoot. And I promise, you won't go back.

1 comment:

  1. I heard about a regular runner who switched to 5F/barefoot and did the transition by running a few times indoor on a treadmill. Not a stupid idea I'd say.

    Phla Mhin.
