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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Start running barefoot?

I was recently asked by a friend if I would advice him to start running barefoot, meaning for someone that has (almost) no running experience and that wants to start running, "would it be better, or worst, to start 5F's?" I didn't really know what to answer, but now that I have given it some thought, I would say 'yes'. If you wanna start running, and are considering, are interested by the barefoot feeling, yes, get started 5F's.
You anyway have to start slowly and take it easy, taking short runs to get your legs used to it, build a constitution. Why not then start directly barefoot? Instead of getting into the habit and then having to go back to short and slow once you switch to barefoot, to get you feet used once you get your legs up and running. No! I would say that it is probably best to start with the barefoot and get both your legs and feet into the running at the same time. If you have to build muscles, ligaments, and a condition to run, you might as well develop your feet and free them from the closed space of your shoes. You will realize how atrophied are your feet and how good it feel to be directly in contact with the ground. Of course, I would only say that if you are seriously interested into running and into running barefoot. Because it would be too easy to blame your laziness in the fact that your feet hurts, are not used to, and it is too difficult. If you know that you will be looking for excuses then better get some good shoes that will get rid at least of that excuse. Obviously, I would strongly suggest at least 7 mm sole shoe, see this post
But if you are seriously motivated to get started running, I would strongly advice to start barefoot. And I promise, you won't go back.

Who's your dady now?

That's it, have done it. I ran my barefoot half marathon this weekend in 88 minutes. Well, of course, it was approximately, I ran from home to home, passing most of the time on the exact path of the HD half (I live in the Weststadt). So it might not have been exactly 21 km, but it is as close as I could estimate. And honestly, it can't have been far from it. I went at a pretty good pace, even at close to my maximum sustainable for a while. It felt good. And my 5F's feet are feeling real good now. early Sunday morning, Listening in this order to The Vasco ear, Louis XIV, MIA, and finishing with Rammstein. The title of this post is from one of the Louis XIV song, that I really enjoyed at that time, while running. I thought it would be appropriated. Thus, all in all, I believe that I have now completely switched to barefoot running, I don't run with shoes since a few months, I have run more than 1 hour and a half 5F's, and a half marathon (even if unofficial and approximate distance). Given that I received my first 5F's shoes the 11th of November, we are the 20th of May, and considering ski season, and the traveling, it means that it took me 6 months to make the transition from shod to barefoot running. The motivation behind this blog was only to document this transition. I will keep you posted on the evolution though. And this is related to another post where I was asked if I would advice to begin running directly barefoot.

Obviously I need to make this official in a regular race now. So I will be looking for the next half marathon close to HD next month. But as I already mentioned, I will be traveling a lot the coming weeks. We will see.

In summary, after 6 months, I can say that switching to barefoot running was
not painless or even injury free but probably I was too ambitious, too naive, and not patient enough, a new discovery, not so difficult, changes a lot your running posture and style, a lot of fun. Now, I completely switched to barefoot and running is a pleasure again, I am always looking forward to the next run.

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Monday 14 May 2012

Uccle, dis!

So, this is it, I was in Belgium last week for work and ran twice. First time was with my friend and colleague. We ran 66' in the beautiful Forest de Soignes. It was very nice, perfect weather, not too cold, not too warm. The forest was beautiful and a very nice run all together. And so close from the city. We just left from my friend's house, ran 5 minutes through town and were immediately in the forest. Nice to evacuate all the beers we had the previous days.
Flamoutch, thank you for bringing me there and keep on running.

That was on Friday. On Sunday, I took another 'clean up run' to discard the beers I had in Tournai, my home town. Again, slightly above the hour, 64', a not too tough pace. My feet were feeling good after that. However, it is very interesting to feel how much more flexible are your feet specially after running. You can feel all small bones in the feet and how independent they are from each other. Anyway, I believe I am cured from the twisted ankle by now. I will do this weekend the 21 km that I couldn't do for the HD half and this week, I should register for a half marathon soon.

Wednesday, I have just run 42', easy and short. In preparation for the 21km this weekend. Nothing to declare, feet are fine. Will be ok.

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Monday 7 May 2012

Recovery post HD/2

Ok, almost totally cured now. I ran 32' last Wednesday, 58' this Sunday and 40' today, Monday. I can still notice a very slight feel at the ankle, but nothing while running, just after, when it cools down. No pain, just a feeling of being there. So I have to plan for another half marathon. It is a pity to have missed the HD/2 but let's look at the future. I should run a race soon. Problem is I have lots of traveling in the coming months.
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Friday 4 May 2012

Post HD/2

So, that is it, I did not run the famous Heidelberg half marathon. It is really a pity, I am so disappointed. The HD/2 is really a nice course, a tough one, with two famous hills that are really hard, but the people, the atmosphere around it is so beautiful, so cheerful, that you feel really good when you finish it, whatever your time. It is a pity because I had prepared very well, I think. I felt like I could run below 90 minutes.
Anyway, useless to keep self-pitying. Let's look at the future. And there are many many race around Heidelberg, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find one in the next future. I went running yesterday, Wednesday, for only 25' at a low pace and my ankle seemed to be fine. I will go again this weekend for an hour. If my legs and feet are fine after that, I will pick my next race that will be the first one I will run 5Fs. I am looking forward to it.
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