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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

First king's chair barefoot

That is it, I have done it. I just ran our famous Wednesday track completely barefoot in a normal time. 1h10 for 15km, in the woods, with up- and down-hills. Very nice feeling. I am still a bit prudent when going downhills, but that is just a question of practice. I am very happy. And those new shoes with 7mm sole are clearly an enormous difference. Who would believe that a few millimeters could make such difference. Not a man, of course.
A now, a couple of hours after that, with the feet rested, it feels good. I can feel that the feet have worked, they are slightly itchy, but nothing bad. Far away from painful, just as after a long training session when the muscles are recovering.
Nice, can't wait to go again barefoot. It is just so nice. I love it. I think I will be ok for the half marathon in 2 months.

Saturday 18 February 2012

A new beginning

What a change! The difference is impressive, I have to say. I just ran with my new shoes. Impressive. Much more comfortable, no pain at all. The difference is only due to a couple millimeters more at the sole. My 'old' Sprint had a 3.5 mm sole and I could feel every thing on the ground. My new Bikila LS have a 3mm sole plus 4mm additional cushions. The total sole is thus 7mm, just twice the one of the Sprint. And this makes a big difference. I could run anywhere, on every surface without any problem. I can still feel if I step on a stone, a branch or whatever. But now it is not painful anymore. It was clearly a mistake to get started with the finest sole possible. I was clearly overconfident. But I thought 'If I am going out with minimalistic shoes, I take the thinnest ones'. That was too much, too soon. As I said in a previous post "Too much, too young, too fast". Clearly, if you are considering going barefoot, or 5Fs, out there, go for at least 6 mm of sole. The feelings are the same, but you don't hurt yourself anymore on each stone or small piece of wood. I clearly enjoy the barefoot sensations but have no fear of stepping on something anymore. Great, it is a new beginning.
I went for only 47' at a pretty good pace, including one km on the track at a 3'50 pace. Pretty good for a first time since 10 days.

Next step, in april, I will run 24 km in belgium, La Bouillonnante, a beautiful race in the Belgian Ardennes, full of hills and beautiful views. One week after that, will be the Heidelberg 1/2 marathon.

Keep running minimalistic... but with enough sole.
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Thursday 16 February 2012

La Grande Motte

No running for me this week, it is skiing season. However, I did something pretty nice. A big ski tour. I was in Tignes, France and went up to La Grande Motte. We went up more than 1K, starting from 2110 to 3456, in just about 3 hours. It is not running, but with the skiing before and after, it is worth a pretty tough training session. Tough, but very nice. Apparently, the way you are running is related to your injury likelihood.
In an analysis of running frequency amongst a representative group, it was found that heel strikers were much more prone to injury, with a twofold greater risk than the forefoot strikers.
On another note, I just received today my Bikila LS, thicker sole indeed and can't wait to try them on.
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Saturday 4 February 2012

Cold wave in Europe (M+3)

Really cold here. Although It is probably around 0 degree, I still went out. Just 40' at a pace of around 4'20/km. An interesting note is that the pavement on the street was really cold. I could feel my toes getting numb and I thought that I would have to stop. But after 6', I reached the running tracks and there it was fine. The cover there is made of some kind of rubber. So it doesn't get cold at all. I guess that as long as it isn't covered by snow, the tracks are a nice alternative to keep your feet from freezing. 40' is also good for me at this moment. I felt the place where the calf was torn. I felt I shouldn't try to go faster. That was probably one of the reasons for tearing my calf last month, too fast too early. 40' not too fast is just the right pace and length for me so far. After three months of barefooting, I am slowly learning.

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Thursday 2 February 2012

Too much, too young, too fast (M+3)

Very cold today in Germany, but I felt good as they say here: "Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur schlechte Kleidung". So I was more than ready hat, gloves, scarf and even a training hose on top of my running one. Took me 1h10 to do the classical 15 km. But it felt really good. So feet, calves, everything back to normal. I realize that I was probably too excited, to happy with my 5Fs. I should certainly take it easier. A simple look at the graph shows you that there is much more green than blue, and most of the time red after a green strecht without blue. It even seems that the red bars appear after three green bar. Definitively the proof that I was overdoing it too early.
As Airbourne puts it: "Too much, too young too fast".

Airbourne Too Much Too Young Too Fast
(I am beginning to like this idea to have videos in the blog)
So, I will definitively keep alternating shoes and barefoot. That is exactly how I intended this blog, a live record of what happens, as it happens. I am learning while doing it, as you read it. So, if you are switching to barefoot too, look at my graph, and don't do the same. Take it slower.

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