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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

40th birthday 16k practice race and twisted ankle

That is it, I just turned 40. And the day after ran a 16 km race to celebrate it.
Everything went fine, total barefoot again, no problem at all.

The following day, I just ran an easy 13 km with colleagues. It felt good, but towards the end of the path, I slept and slightly twisted my left ankle. Shit, just two weeks before the half marathon. How will I cope with that? Will I heal? I do hope so.

So far, I am with a support band, I will go buy some anti-inflammatory cream. I am supposed to run a 24 km race this weekend with a friend. I don't know, may be I skip it to be safe for the half. Shit.

That is it, I put a lot of anti-inflammatory cream on the inner part of my left ankle. I do have a slight stretched ligament there, slightly swollen. I will not do anything at all until the half and see how it goes. Anyway, I am supposed to be tapering now.

Here is the chart of my training then:

Next stop: Heidelberg half

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