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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Monday 26 March 2012

HD/2: Second training run

Done, was good, enjoyed it. I did it barefoot. Have run the 16 km, in 1h15', up and down hills, partly in the woods, including the famous Phylosophenweg opposite the Heidelberg castle. First time the complete path 5Fs, so I didn't push it. Next time, I will try to push it a bit to lower the time in preparation for the 5 extra kms on the complete one. Seems possible to do the complete HD half-marathon below 1h30 this time.

The day after, Monday, just did the Monday run, 13 km, on a normal 58', not best time, but satisfying one. I felt really good all along. That is probably one of the biggest discovery for me running barefoot. I clearly enjoy more the running and the post-running. It feels good all along and even after.
Clearly because there is more less shocks or much more absorption of them. I could feel my calves being tired. Calves are clearly more important barefoot than shod. And to answer one recent comment I received, one of the reasons I am probably not too injury prone is that I have pretty good calves. I used to play a lot of ice hockey when I was young. For skating, you need good abdominal and calves. My early skating might be associated to a smooth transition to barefoot running.
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