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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

HD half registration

HD1/2 practice run
Did the first practice run for the HD half marathon last weekend. We go the full path, apart for the first 5 km, in the aldstat and Neuerheimsfields. Total of 16km. Did it in 1h10. With shoes. Will do the next one without shoes.

The day after, Monday, I did the classical monday run at an easy pace, 1h for 13km. I did that one without shoes. Early on, I steeped on a small pointy stone and my feet hurt. It still does now, the day after. Nothing important, but just once again be careful even 7mm of plastic won't protect from everything. (hurt scale of 2, then down to 1)

And wednesday, I ran our classical 15km in 66'33 with shoes. I can still feel the small patch where I hurt myself on Monday, but with the shoes it is OK, no problem, but I don't think I could have done it 5Fsed.

That is it, this Satruday morning, at 08h00, I registered for the Heidelberg half marathon. The event fills up quite quickly so registering is always a race before the race. On Sunday, I did a small 50', 9 k, with some speed tracking on tracks. And Monday, I did the classical Monday run, in the woods, with a personal best of 56' for 13k.

It is now less than two months 'till the race. Here is the training log so far.

There will be two other training runs in HD before the half, one of the 25th or March, one on the 15th of April. Anyone wants to join? We leave at 8h30 from below the Bismarck platz bridge. See you there?
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