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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Got it now

Went back to run this morning. It wasn't so great, I slightly feel something in the Achilles tendons again, in both. Nothing painful, but worrying.

The good news is that I know what is the problem now.

The problems are the hills, at least the up part. Going down is fine. And it make sense. Because of the inclinations, the Achilles tendons are slightly more stretched than normal. In addition, you are going up, so you pull more on an already overstretched tendons. The results is slight deterioration of your tendons. So, a new recommendation, don't go up hill at the beginning. Down hill is file, if you can do only that.

I will try this new trick next week, choosing another path to go same length but only on flat.

Now that I realized this, it all start to make sense. Actually, I started having this problem when I thought I had done it and was ready. I then started on my usual but demanding hilly path, and that's when the Achilles tendons started to complain. Did I mention already that I completely tore apart my right Achilles tendon some five years ago. Interestingly, the right is not worst than the left now. I have the same issue on both sides. But make sense, I though I was ready, started on hills, putting more pressure on already overstretched tendons. They didn't like it. I had similar issues when I started too early to put more pressure on my legs by starting too early to make fast sessions. Again, tendons complained.

It looks like I am having a lot of problems with my 5Fs shoes, but in fact, we are making a lot of progress. And all the problems I have had in the past are slowly getting solved. So I am confident that I should soon be able to enjoy long injury-free barefoot runs. It feels so much better with my 5Fs.

Interesting, since I went back to shoes, lower back pain while sitting at my desk have come back. This was one of the reasons, probably the main, for my willingness to go barefoot. Clearly shod running is not good for the back and the joints. So I really want to be able to go back to barefoot since it clearly improves a lot my daily condition, specially with work. However, you have to be careful during the transition to barefoot.

Stay tuned for more advices.

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