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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Back to 5Fs

That's it, went back to barefoot. Very easy pace, 41' only. I turned around as soon as I felt something on the Achilles tendon. It is fine, doesn't hurt, but I didn't want to take any risk and have done so. Tendons are fine now, although I have some sensations in both, giving myself some preventive massages though. It is weird, I have a friend having had the same thing or may be worst but he was running with shoes, never ran barefoot. On the other side, we use to do a lot of uphill running too, so this is most likely the reason.
Let's see how it evolves while cooling down. Will now intend to increase the pace and the distance, no hills before a while though.

Anyone out there having had the same experience in the Achilles tendon with hills or barefoot, or both? Leave a message.

Have just been running again 3 days later with shoes, Wednesday. Increased the pace, 67' on flat. Absolutely no pain in the tendons, but weak feelings. I am also giving me preventive massage once or twice a day. Feeling good now, ready to go back barefoot and slowly increase the pace and distance. That was just a test run to see if shoes are OK. There is thus definitively something between shoes and hills that act similarly on the Achilles tendon. Take it easy on the hills if you are starting to run barefoot.

Went again 3 days later, Saturday, not long, not strong, 47' only but with 5Fs. Felt very good, nothing at all in the tendons, looks like I am well on my way to recovery. No hills, or shoes on hills. Didn't want to overdone it because tomorrow Monday, I am going back up the hill to a classical run with my ex-colleagues. Will go up the hills again, so will do it with shoes. I don't feel like I am ready to do hills without shoes just yet. I will keep you informed on Monday.

That is it, have ran back with my ex-colleagues up the hills. The Monday recovery tract. Did it in just below one hour, 59'30'', not the best time, but it was good to see that I don't have Achilles tendon problem anymore, with shoes though. Felt fine yesterday and fine today. Discussing with them it seems that this is a fairly common problem with runners, kind of blood cloth accumulating in the tendon. Mine seems fine now. Still giving me some weak and sparse massage though. Anyway, running back up the hill was good.  I confirm, hills with shoes, barefoot on flat, that seems to be the trick, at least for the first year of 5Fs running.

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