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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Friday 3 August 2012

Another recovery?

Recovery almost completed, I ran 65' completely barefoot at a normal pace, followed 2 days after by a short easy pace run of 30'. No feelings in the ankle. Happy to be back on 5Fs.
Will attempt a classical run tomorrow Saturday followed by a run in the woods, in my old work place two days after on Monday. Let's see how what happens. I hope to be able to run Craichgau in a bit more than a month. Training won't have been optimal, so I don't expect to finish it below the 90' mark this time, but let's see if I can finish it on 5Fs.

Saturday morning, just ran my classical 13km at a good pace, in 60'. Happy. And running feels good again. I am back on track.
Monday, back to my old working place, up the hill, ran the classical Monday track in a good time, just 59', when the usual challenge is to do it below the hour, usually around 58' with a best time of 56'. So 59' is ok, not excellent, but good enough. All 5Fs, of course. And now, 4 hours after it, it feels good, so I think I am completely recovered now.

On Thursday, I went back again to my ex-working place. I ran the classical most difficult track, the famous Koenigsthul. 15Km going up and down the hill above the city. Difficult, long, high climb. I almost hit my personal best, and certainly a very good mark in 66'45''. Just below 67'. We use to consider normal to do it below 70', and a good time below 68. But 66'45 is certainly very good. Meaning I indeed recovered. Now I need to increase the weekly mileage.

Back to training then.

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