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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Friday 31 August 2012

Back to shoes

Haaiie! Achilles tendon hurt!

Last week before taking the plane to go on holidays, I ran 1h08 at a good pace to relax the legs before a short flight. The day after, both Achilles tendons did hurt. Not much but enough to be disturbing. I was giving myself massages of the tendons for two days. After a week of rest, it is ok, but there is clearly something there that I don't like. And it is related to barefoot running. I went running again today, 58' with shoes. No pain at all, even after cooling down. So there is definitively linked to barefoot running. I might not be as ready as I expected to be.

The running was great. I love to run, with or without shoes. But it is nicer, more enjoyable without.
What I will do now is to go back to shoes, and only run barefoot every other time. We will see how it develop and if I start again dropping the shoes more often.
Seems like going barefoot is not so easy eventually. Well, that's the point of this blog. If it was easy, it won't be needed.
Keep tuned.

Friday 3 August 2012

Another recovery?

Recovery almost completed, I ran 65' completely barefoot at a normal pace, followed 2 days after by a short easy pace run of 30'. No feelings in the ankle. Happy to be back on 5Fs.
Will attempt a classical run tomorrow Saturday followed by a run in the woods, in my old work place two days after on Monday. Let's see how what happens. I hope to be able to run Craichgau in a bit more than a month. Training won't have been optimal, so I don't expect to finish it below the 90' mark this time, but let's see if I can finish it on 5Fs.

Saturday morning, just ran my classical 13km at a good pace, in 60'. Happy. And running feels good again. I am back on track.
Monday, back to my old working place, up the hill, ran the classical Monday track in a good time, just 59', when the usual challenge is to do it below the hour, usually around 58' with a best time of 56'. So 59' is ok, not excellent, but good enough. All 5Fs, of course. And now, 4 hours after it, it feels good, so I think I am completely recovered now.

On Thursday, I went back again to my ex-working place. I ran the classical most difficult track, the famous Koenigsthul. 15Km going up and down the hill above the city. Difficult, long, high climb. I almost hit my personal best, and certainly a very good mark in 66'45''. Just below 67'. We use to consider normal to do it below 70', and a good time below 68. But 66'45 is certainly very good. Meaning I indeed recovered. Now I need to increase the weekly mileage.

Back to training then.