
This site is best viewed chronologically, start here. Then follow the post order in the archive.

Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Saturday 12 January 2013

Back to normal? Again? 1st year.

So, long time not written. I actually had some issues, with the Achille tendon and the corresponding knee, the right ones. Similar kind of feelings, not pain, but at certain movements, either a slight pain or a feeling of something there. I took it easy, meaning mainly went flat, massaged both regions and also went back to shoes from time to times. It looks over now. I barely fell the knee when I serach for it and overdo it on purpose.

Two weeks ago I was in Spain for Christmas. I ran every single day, always on 5F'ed, always on flat, alternating 45' and 1h. It felt really good.
Everything is so good that today, I even went back to hills around home. I was feeling very good, good pace and even scored a pretty good time.

So it looks like I am back on track again, I even felt the will to do some intervals next time. The only problem is that it starts being cold in Heidelberg, it even snowed tonight.

Will see how it goes.

Anyway, it is more than a year now that I started running barefoot, or more precisely with 5Fs minimalistic shoes and this blog at the same time. And I want to say that I do love it. It is much more enjoyable. I love running barefoot and hope that I won't have to go back to shoes. I only wish I could have read the kind of advices provided in this blog before I started. So don't forget, 7 mm sole minimum, take it easy, start slow and flat, if you think you are ready, wait another round and think again.

Best wishes and a lot of fun running barefoot.