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Recommendations: 7mm sole, don't go too fast, take your time, on concrete, flat, no hills!
If you don't do that, go below 7mm, go too fast or up-hills, you will get injured.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Back to big cushion shoes

I know, long time not written. This was due to two main points. First I was extremely frustrated not to have taken part to the HD half-marathon due to injury. Second, I hurt myself again. Well, not exactly hurt, didn't hurt, feeling in the back of the Achileas' tendon. Probably due to the fact that I was so excited that I overdid it when not totally recovered from the injury. At some point, I was running 3 to 4 times a week more than 1 hour each sometimes, 2 days in a row.
So I stopped completely running for two weeks, and now back to big cushion shoes. I don't know if my feeling in the tendon is due to the barefoot running, but it is clear that barefoot, your tendon is more solicited which is why in recovery mode, I went back to running shoes. 

This is the occasion to be back to the old 'shoe feeling and compare the two.
First, I don't enjoy it. I feel the difference. Much more traumatic, more difficult and less enjoyable. I really don't like anymore to run with shoes. Running barefoot is so different. So much more sensation, just this sensation of lightness at your feet instead of having to drag to big heavy shoes. Then the sensation of the ground, and all its irregularities. And then the impact, or the lack of, the absorption of the impact by your feet. Amazing.

Second, I feel the difference in the posture too. It is clear that with shoes, my strike has the tendency to be heel first, my shoulders moving backwards, if I don't pay attention to it. May be that is my default running posture that I learned by all those years with shoes. I have to pay attention to push my shoulders forwards and lend on the middle of the foot. I know some runners that are just natural middle or even front foot runners. May be the related injuries are different too.

Anyway, this problem is getting better, I am resting, running less, only once a week, now back to one hour, but I was down of that before.  I will take it easy with shoes until it disappear but I really hope to very soon, I'll be able to go back barefoot. The difference is so amazing. And if everything goes well, I hope to be able to run the craichgau half marathon. Of course, the real challenge would be to do it below 90'. Cheers